Starting tomorrow……..

There’s a five letter “dirty” word that leaves people skeptical of their family, friends, co-workers, and even of complete strangers.  That word is COVID, and for the past three years it has invaded and haunted our lives.  In the spring of 2020, COVID shut everything down and sent ripples through our lives and into our future.  Little did I know just how those ripples would affect me.  Though I have been fortunate enough not to contract COVID (I have contracted the flu and strep), COVID stopped me from doing something that I love and feel led to do – “Easter Eggs”.

During the season of Lent, I choose to give – to give freely of my talent and hopefully bring joy to those that receive it.  So, in honor of the season, I will be hiding “Easter Eggs” around the Gulf Coast for people to find.  There will be forty of them, and I will attempt to document and post about their locations; however, I will be doing this a little bit differently this year.  Though there is one “Egg” for every day of Lent, I will not be hiding them EVERY day (this is just not possible).  I will attempt to hide an “Egg” daily, but if I miss a day (or two), it just means that there will be days when multiple “Eggs” are hidden and posted.  I hope this makes sense.  

I’m truly excited to be able to do this again.  I have been prepping and creating since Christmas for this.  May they all be found, and may they bring a smile to the person who finds them.  

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